Aumento del 150% de las ventas de IDIDA.


Three years ago, IDIDA NAIL broke into the Spanish market with its innovative nail polish product, offering a healthy and fast-application alternative. Since its partnership with Amphora, they have managed to reduce incidents related to their stock to 1%.

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Based on monthly stock counts, the control offered by the platform and the customer service, IDIDA NAIL reduces incidents and increases its sales with Amphora, tripling its shipments in just one year.

Three years ago, IDIDA arrived to Spain with its adhesive nail polish. This product offers a practical and healthy solution for a spectacular manicure in minutes, without damaging the nails.

La plataforma de Amphora es muy intuitiva, clara y sin complicaciones de uso

Outsourcing for continuous growth

From doing logistics in-house to outsourcing with Amphora, Ach, founder of IDIDA, not only gained freedom and control, he gained the ability to delegate order preparation to a trusted logistics partner. Now, he follows IDIDA's operations with the platform and invests the time he has gained into generating new product ideas for his business.

Thanks to Amphora, IDIDA has increased its sales by 150% in the last year.

No stock problems

100 different glaze designs and less than 1% of stock issues. How? The warehouse registers incoming and outgoing products effectively on the platform in order to control the tracking of the product.

Specialized software, a proactive Account Manager and an operational logistics partner is how IDIDA has reduced its stock issues from 30% to 1%.

And in time for the brand

IDIDA came to Spain to revolutionize the way we paint our nails. Ach discovered a healthy and fast alternative in Korea: an adhesive nail polish that is easy to apply and does not damage the nails. IDIDA polishes are the perfect match for those who like to show off their manicure without wasting time. This is exactly what Amphora offered the brand: time.

Today, Ach spends his time growing his business. Meanwhile, Amphora deals with the logistics and the headaches that go with it.

The platform for Ach

Although IDIDA does not have a high volume of monthly returns, in cases where one is necessary, Ach points out that: "Amphora's platform simplifies the process, allowing customers to manage their returns autonomously".

From the tool developed internally by Amphora, called Aflora, our customers can manage returns with their customers automatically and efficiently. All within the same platform. 

The account manager and communication

Technology isn't the only thing that enables great logistics. The profile of the Account Manager is essential for IDIDA. Having a person who proactively solves problems and predicts them before the client does, drastically reduced incidents:

The good thing with you is that I have direct contact with the warehouse, if something doesn't add up, I send a message to my Account Manager and he solves it.

The average incident resolution time is less than an hour and a half.

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