Warehouse Management System

Growing is easier when you have everything under control

monthly growth
order preparation
human error
Warehouse Management System

Amphora Station01

We implement Amphora hardware in your warehouse.

  • Prepare orders without errors
  • Organize your workers by roles
  • Print multiple labels using automatic rules
  • Verify orders with our universal scanner
Warehouse Management System

Warehouse App 02

We integrate your ecommerce with our software. Prepare your orders efficiently and save time in picking.

  • Enter and place your products in the warehouse optimally
  • Easily use picking methods
  • Manage returns easily
Order Management System

Control platform03

Get a 360º view of your logistics operations.

  • Keep track of your orders at all times
  • Monitor your warehouse productivity
  • Open a ticket for each incident
  • View your products and stock movements
  • App and platform synchronized in real time

Key features

Warehouse App

Picking methods

Save time and resources in order picking. Boost your warehouse productivity with our picking tasks.

  • 95% reduction in human errors
  • Create batches automatically
  • Prepare orders in a variety of combinations
Control platform

Full trackability

Full control of your products and maximum transparency in your supply chain.

  • Know your order, product and return history
  • Instantly identify and resolve incidents
  • Your brand is present throughout the logistics chain
Control platform

Intelligent picking routes

The software sorts your products and maps optimal routes automatically. Increase productiviy and reduce errors thanks to an efficient picking path.

  • Quick and easy access to picking routes
  • Technology that works for you
  • 4 times faster order preparation
Warehouse App

Simplified and agile returns

Process your returns the same way you prepare your orders: accurately, without delays or complications.

  • Scan the label and relocate the products
  • Process single or multiple returns
  • Photo quality control
  • Track from start to finish
Control platform

Analytics & reporting

Access detailed reports on your logistics operations: inventories, movements, times, rates, shipping countries, etc.

Don't miss out on opportunities for your business and take advantage of reporting and analytics to make strategic decisions.

  • Reduce costs and increase sales by 17% per month
  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Get to know your target audience better

Multi-channel integrations

We connect with all your platforms. Gain flexibility for your business.

  • Integration with the main platforms and marketplaces
  • Connection with carriers
  • Add the main ERP and management softwares
Discover our integrations

Personalized support

Stop worrying about logistics, we are now part of your team.

We reduce and solve any problems with your orders, guaranteeing a worry-free experience for you.

  • An account manager dedicated to your brand
  • Response in less than 24 hours
  • Proactive resolution of incidents
  • We are strategic partners for your brand
Meet the team

Hear it first-hand from our clients

For us, Amphora became the partner that helped us grow

Sebas López, Co-founder NBL
  • x4 times faster order picking
  • 50% growth since 2022
  • 89% of sales outside Spain

Order preparation is more automated and user-friendly for any of our workers

Clara Llanas, Co-founder Mindtraveler Bcn
  • 70% increase in international sales
  • Shipments to more than 30 countries
  • Intelligent routing in your warehouse 

We needed a platform to optimize processes and make shipments faster and more efficient

Pablo Rodríguez, Logistics & operations Manager en Tumerchan
  • Reduction of up to 95% of failures
  • 75% reduction in workforce
  • Process optimization

The future of ecommerce logistics

Scale your business with our customized pricing plan
Not sure what you need? We're here to help
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